Monday, May 02, 2022

Tilling the Soil


This past week, I started a new garden plan based on an article entitled: “How to Create an Easy-Care Garden.” To be honest, “there’s no such thing.” However, this will be a good new challenge since my goal is to keep it simple and nearly effortless to take care of. I want to be able to garden for a long time to come, and that means keeping everything as simple as possible as I age. The goal is to make this a no-till gardening space. It will use the best gardening techniques from raised beds, to bucket planter and straw bale planters.


But first I have to take out the 90 concrete blocks that I have used for the past 11 years as a walking path. Only problem with that idea was the weeds kept creeping into the path. After lugging these blocks out of the garden, I laid down a commercial landscape fabric to block out the weeds. To keep it low maintenance, all the welking spaces will be covered in thick wood chips to eliminate weeding.


Creating a new garden is like digging deeper into our relationship with Jesus.

When we till the soil, we break through the hard surface layer, break up the clumps of soil, and remove the rocks and old roots, or concrete blocks.


What has hardened my heart? What clumps block the way when I try to open my heart to Jesus? What stones am I coming across? What old roots am I getting tangled up in as I try to grow my relationship with Jesus? Are there any bad habits that have taken root within me? Are there places where I need forgiveness or healing? Am I holding fast to any untrue beliefs that I need to discard, such as God doesn’t care; I could never be forgiven for…; or I’m not deserving of forgiveness?


Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends that as they start to create their gardens in their yard or hearts, help them to soften the hardness and get rid of the stones and clumps that block the growth.


I just called my wood chip supplier so I will be picking up a load and spreading the chips and pray this keeps this garden low maintenance.


If you don’t feel like starting a new garden that OK. Ask Jesus if there’s anything he would like to reveal to you that you might be holding deep inside that is not serving you well. If you’re feeling distracted, don’t judge yourself; just talk about that. This prayer time is all about honesty in the dialogue. Now, listen. What do you hear in response?