Tuesday, March 04, 2025

What Should I Give Up for Lent?


When was the last time you had a really memorable Lent? Or even a life-changing Lent? So often we just give up something like chocolate like we always have, without giving it much thought. And we don’t really stick to it. Or if we do manage to get to Easter without eating said chocolate, we realize we haven’t really grown spiritually since the beginning of Lent. And isn’t that actually the point?

The point of giving something up, of fasting, is to cultivate the inner life. When we fast, we realize how truly dependent on God we are. We open our hearts, our minds, and our bodies to God’s love in our lives. We look at the ways that we need to grow, and dedicate ourselves to becoming a-better-version-of-ourselves. And when we make ourselves available to God, incredible things can happen. That’s what can make Lent so powerful.

But you can take it one step further. Don’t just give something up. There is also great value in doing something for Lent. It’s the perfect time not only to abandon self-destructive habits, but also to form new life-giving habits, habits that can extend beyond the 40 days of Lent. Give something up, eliminate a bad habit from your life, and then fill that gap intentionally.

I invite you this Lent to pick one thing from the following to give up for Lent.  Give something up, then fill the gap.

Give something away—every day

It doesn't need to be money or material things—though giving these away can be a powerful experience. Try complimenting a stranger, teaching someone how to do something, spreading a positive message, helping someone who is in a hurry, or simply smiling at someone generously. You don't need money or material possessions to live a life of staggering generosity! Give something away—every day.


Don’t interrupt people

We could probably all do well to spend more time listening, and less time interjecting.


Stop complaining

Have you ever stopped to think about how many times a day you complain about something? What if, instead, you find constructive ways to talk about your difficulties? What if you look for the good in people instead of focusing on any inconvenience we experience?


Don’t waste downtime

You don’t have to give up social media or the like entirely, but you can be intentional about not using it during specific times. Take that time instead to pray, to breathe, to reach out to someone around you. You’ll be amazed at the difference it can make in your day.

Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends that we focus this Lent on being generous and give something away. I am grateful to Michael who taught me floral design many decades ago. Yesterday, I decorated our home to bring the promise of Spring inside and share online for you to enjoy. Go ahead and use as a screen saver or forward to your friends and family to bathe in the love and comfort of Our Lord.

Blessings for a wonderful Lent. Fr. Matt