Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Rededicate Yourself in Prayer


What do we do when we’re facing an upcoming big event, celebration, or special occasion in our lives? We prepare for it. Holy Week and Easter are “big events” in the liturgical year of the Church and in the spiritual life of a Christian. So, as Christians, we prepare spiritually for these through the forty days of Lent. This means that, during Lent, we rededicate ourselves to prayer.

There are as many ways to pray as there are pray-ers in this world, but a few prayer methods can help us in particular to spiritually prepare ourselves during Lent:

1. Make your abstinence a prayer-in-action.

On Ash Wednesday, I suggested that you give up something for Lent. Chocolate, coffee, that snack before bedtime, one less hour of video games or steaming the news networks—whatever it is, you can make what you’re giving up for Lent a prayer as well: a prayer-in-action. Whenever you encounter the thing you are abstaining from or the time of day that you would normally enjoy it, take a moment to say a prayer in recognition of your wholeness in God even without the thing you have given up. Thank God for the freedom to be wholly yourself without this and, at the same time, acknowledge the gift of its existence in the world.

2. Renew yourself through personal reflective prayer.

Take a moment and click to review the following online resources. Lent is a time of spiritual renewal. One easy step you can take is to use the many free online resources to jump-start or reinvigorate your prayer life. A few such resources are Loyola Press’s popular 3-Minute Retreats and Seven Last Words of Christ guided meditation, or try the prayer reflections offered by the Irish Jesuit site Sacred Space. If you’re seeking more traditional support for your personal reflective prayer, consider a book specially designed to nourish you during Lent, such as Praying Lent.

Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends, especially the following family and prayers:Mary Z in hospice in San Antonia, TX (Robert G. grandma), Pope Francis in Rome, Ted in Farmington for successful medical procedure, Baby Rhett recovering at home and improving daily-dad thankful for all your prayers, Stacey & newborn Merlin in Las Vegas, Luz L in hospice Las Vegas, Tim in Nashua, NH cancer in remission, Tina in Strykersville cancer in remission, Patty’s parents Madeline & George W in Buffalo, Sandy in North Java, Patti in Florida, Beau in Spain, Sister Ann Marie and Sister Miriam in IL. Monastery, John in North Java, Mary Hills in Toronto, Jane in NC, Ricki & Marina in Brockport, Jerry in Lancaster, Fr. Donald F in Florida, Shelia in Webster. Bob in Buffalo, Matt in Batavia, Melanie in Attica, Cheryl in Florida, Alivia and her dad Art, Bob & Kathy in Macedon, Beth in Massachusetts, Stan In Greece NY, Steve in North Java, Will in Canandaigua, Ruth in Rochester, ospital, Fr. Don & Yvonne in Batavia, Sherri in Lancaster, Mary Jane in Rochester, Brad in Akron, Tony in Greece, Diane in Virginia, little Henry in Ohio, Paul in Lancaster, O B in North Carolina, Jane in Lockport, Maggie in East Bethany, Kathy in Farmington, Nelson in Buffalo, Joe & Carol in Rochester Bob G. in Lancaster waiting for kidney transplant donor.