Today’s Sonshine photo is an image of Death Valley. As an amateur landscaper photographer, I had contacted a motel outside the park who offered free lodging if I would take photos of their motel for a new brochure. That adventure reminded me of this Sunday’s Lenten gospel where Jesus is tempted by the devil in the desert.
Temptation's not a fun place to visit? Temptation's a lonely place, a difficult place, a place of testing. But that's where Jesus is in the gospel reading today. He's already been tempted for 40 days, and then Satan goes straight for his soul. He plays hardball. Satan comes back with three final temptation doozies after 40 days of temptation. If Jesus - think about it - if Jesus, the Son of God, is opposed by the strong forces of evil, if he's not exempt from them, who is?
Satan's message is clear. "Get all you can, Jesus. Look at the splendor, look at the sparkle. It's all yours. Don't worry about God, don't worry about pleasing Him. Please yourself, Jesus. That'll make you happy. Simply worship me." Because the devil is all about getting. He's about getting because the more we focus on getting, what we think life should be, the less and less life we actually have. You can call it acquisition; you can call it purchasing; you can call it consuming. Call it what you want, but you and I live in a culture of getting. It is we. Getting, getting even, getting my way, getting what's mine, getting while the getting's good, getting all I can, getting what I want out of life, getting, getting, getting. And no matter how much we get, we still want more. We get what we want, and life's still not right. Our soul's not settled, our heart's not satisfied. We want more revenge, we want more assets, we want to get more pleasure. We are a culture of getters.
Plenty is just never enough. There's just something in our souls that always wants to get more. The devil is about getting. Jesus is about giving. "Don't try to get life," Jesus says. "Give your life away, and when you do then you'll find it." Because life is not about us. It's about God. As long as we focus on ourselves, our needs, our wants, our passion, our spirit, our desires, we'll never actually find what life is about. That's the irony, isn't it?
So when Satan offers the world, Jesus replies, "Worship the Lord your God and serve only Him." Because Jesus understood you can only have one master. You can serve whatever you choose, your passion, your desires, all the world's stuff, or you can serve God. "Just know," Jesus says, "that to serve anything other than God is to choose Satan." To serve Jesus, God, is life itself. In other words, do you want life? Give it away. That's why Lent's just so powerful. It's about these simple habits: pray, fast, give. Habits that help you give your life away to God. When you invest your heart, when you invest your money, when you invest your life in God, then you will find life.
It's funny who understands that. I had stopped by the Death Valley Visitor Center to get directions to the best photo sites in the park. The young ranger pointed out several locations like Artists Pallette, Zabriskie Point and Great Salt Basin. That evening, the hotel manager shared that his wife was going to the hospital in the morning for tests because she was diagnosed with cancer. I offered to give her a blessing and anoint her with the Sacrament of the Sick. Her husband cried when I prayed over her and most grateful that someone would pray with her for comfort, courage and strength. Yes, life is about giving. The following morning I took pictures of their motel for the brochure. The devil is about getting. Jesus is about giving.
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends that during Lent a lot can happen. How are you going to use yours? What are you going to do with your 40 days? Jesus is inviting you to give your life away, and when you do, you just might find that you have more life than you ever had before.