Friday, April 14, 2023

Which Side Are You On

There are two sides to every story. So which side of the story are you on? You know when they dragged Jesus before Pilate they thought that Jesus’ end was very near. When they watched him scourged, you know that no man was going to endure and survive this but he did. When they crowned him with thorns and mocked him thinking that there would never be any retribution and he was sent out to Golgotha carrying a cross they celebrated that their will was being done. When they nailed him to the cross they thought they were going to be rid of him forever. When he mumbled from the cross, they thought he was a madman losing his mind and when he screamed out in agony and a man feels death is near well they thought they won. But they were wrong.


What they thought was the end was actually just the beginning. When the tomb was empty, they claimed it was fraud but when they learned the truth they tried to surpress it. When he started appearing to people, their illusions crumbled and they became very uneasy. When his followers rose up with courage and began telling a story wherever people would listen, their uneasiness became fear and when they harassed his followers they were met with peace and they were perplexed. When they watched his communities living around respect, love, kindness, compassion and generosity they were baffled. What’s happening here? And when in the face of death his followers showed hope not fear the persecutors became intrigued. They became amazed. They were astounded.


Now there are two sides to every story. There is the story of life and then there is the story of death. There is the story of Jesus and Truth. In the end truth always triumphs. It always has and it always will.


So which side of the story are you on? That’s the problem. One moment people are living and loving like as if Jesus really did rise from the dead and the next living as if they were the one who was in charge and they are the king and queen of the universe.


Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends and especially my friends at Divine Mercy in Las Vegas whose doors are reopened and welcoming people back to their dynamic National Catholic Church. Keep there wonderful people in your prayers.