And if you gave up chocolate. that's great. There's nothing wrong
with that. But what are you planning to do this Lent that will bring you closer
to Jesus.
Let me share some suggestions.
Give something away—every day.
I have a friend with a very large wardrobe. She decided to give
away one article of clothing each day during Lent. It had to be something she
really liked and wanted to keep. Maybe it’s not your wardrobe that needs
cleaning out, but consider giving something away each day, or each week, during
Stop complaining—about the weather, that’s
number one for Father Matt
What a difference this can makes in our community, in our relationships
with one another. We have to find constructive ways to talk about our
difficulties, and look for the good in people instead of focusing on any
inconvenience we’d experienced.Each day during Lent spend one hour in complete silence, all electronics turned off and that includes your cell phone. Set a timer in your kitchen, then forget about it. Spend the time however you want. Pray a Rosary, read some Scripture, and then read a little bit of a good spiritual book. Maybe you can’t do an hour, then maybe 10 minutes. But take the time for silence and reflection each day.
Do follow our parish Facebook and Website Pages
Every day during Lent we will post a reflection on the Facebook page and ask for a reply. Also, on our parish website, I will post something for your meditation and you can reply. It’s free and worth your time.
Do an act of love every day.
Our kids returned from their religion lesson
this morning and made cupcakes for the volunteers for Charlotte House hospice.
They also painted signs to be displayed in the house to bring a smile and
comfort to our residents and family members. That’s out of the box thinking.
Send a kind note to a loved one, do a good deed for a stranger,
volunteer, post something inspiring on social media. It doesn’t have to be
big—just do something each day.
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends that they spend their
time during Lent as an opportunity to be the best version of themselves. Go
online on our Facebook page or Parish website page and share what you plan to
do for Lent.