Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Busy is Not Your Friend

So, it's time for us just to recognize, okay, busy is not our friend. And then once we realized that we think, okay, we've got to do something about that. Our daily routines are critical in setting us up for success or setting us up for failure, especially our daily routines at the beginning of the day. Because when we do take a few moments to reflect on our day, at the beginning of our day, we realize—okay, hold on a minute—what's the really important stuff I'm going to do today? And what's the stuff that doesn't matter that much? And we're able to prioritize.

Jesus taught that love should be our number one priority. For example, when we fall in love, our priorities change. God is constantly challenging us to love more, he's constantly challenging us to reassess our priorities. 

And so, what I want to challenge you to think about today is your daily priorities, especially those at the beginning of the day. Do they focus you? Do they reinvigorate you? Do they fill you with a sense of hope? Or do the things you fill your early part of the day with burden you, make you feel heavy and hopeless, that sort of thing?

I hope you’re thinking about attending the parish Lenten Retreat next Sunday. My hope is that you are making plans not too be so busy that that you will come and learn how the Spirit is moving you into a routine that will make a difference in your life. If I come to the retreat, my days will be better.  Hopefully, it will be reinvigorating you. Hopefully, when you don't feel like coming, it gives you the courage, the strength, the wisdom to say, "Okay, I don't feel like doing this, but I will have better days when I do it. So, I'm going to force myself. I'm going to make plans and attend this year’s retreat. 

Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends that they learn to start their day in your presence, so that the rest of their day will be filled with much happiness and joy.