Sunday, November 16, 2014

Upgrade Your Image

There are many stories in Scripture that might need an upgrade to understand why Jesus told the story. This past Sunday, we learn about a rich man who goes on a journey and who entrusted his possessions to his servants. Take note this master is not a God figure. After the master praises
the financial effort of two servants who double his money, his words to the third servant who buried his money and earned no interest was the remark: "Throw this useless servant into the darkness outside...." The master’s actions hardly fit the image of the merciful God Jesus has been proclaiming.

Jesus’ world wasn’t like our capitalistic system that increases wealth by investment. Jesus’ contemporaries had a different perspective. For them, the world had only limited goods and wealth. If someone increased their wealth they were, in effect, “stealing from another.” A peasant strived to have enough to care for his family and that was enough. So, the people we often admire for their success and wealth would have been considered wicked thieves among Jesus’ hearers, taking from the limited supply of the world’s resources.

In the light of this new upgrade in our understanding, who then might be the admirable figure in the parable? Not the master, nor the two servants, but the third who did not cooperate with his master’s greedy ventures, His actions were punished as are those people who oppose the unjust and powerful who make profits at the expense of the poor.

When the Lord comes with judgment do we fear that we will be thrown out into the darkness? Are we playing it cautious in our service to the Lord? Do we fear failure and do not take the chances our discipleship requires? It seems the parable encourages bold, even risky action.

I shared with my photography mentor that for every 1,000 shots, I edit down to the best 10 images. I discovered that with the proper tools and upgraded software I can take these ten images and make them stunning!

So how do we make our spiritual life more stunning? I suggest that we upgrade and take a lesson to become bolder and take the risks.

The Lords prays for us as we reflect: “Be strong and bold; have no fear or dread of them, because it is the Lord your God who goes with you; he will not fail you or forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6).

Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends that serve in their faith communities. Give them the courage to speak out against injustice and boldly proclaim the message of acceptance and understanding.