Walmart and the malls and spend your day at one or more of these 7 spiritual
1. A forest.
If you have access to wilderness, let yourself
unplug for a hike or a meditation surrounded by the natural world. If you're in
an urban setting, get yourself to a park and watch the squirrels and birds
going about their merry business, completely indifferent to Christmas sales.
2. A museum.
Museums contain worlds of creativity and beauty to
explore, and many stay open the day after Thanksgiving. Why look at toasters
and electric razors when you could peer into the magical kingdoms of Picasso,
Dalí or whatever artist you feel moved by?
3. A place to pray.
Your local church, mosque, temple or synagogue can
offer infinitely more nourishment than Walmart or Target can. Light a candle
for someone you love. Soak up the calm and stillness. Meditate on the things
you're grateful for that can't be bought with money.
4. A friend's house.
Community is at the heart of so many spiritual
traditions, and there is no better way to tap into that than by visiting a
friend, family member or significant other. Spend time with the ones you love
instead of worrying about what to buy them for the holidays.
5. A music performance.
Stevie Wonder once sang: "Music is a world
within itself/With a language we all understand." Immerse yourself in the
captivating world of music -- let it bring you closer to those around you and
closer to the core of your being that doesn't really care about half-off sales.
On Sunday, I will take my friend Penny to listen to her favorite Christmas
music, “The Nutcracker.”
6. Your imagination.
How often do you exercise the power of your
imagination? When is the last time you picked up a paintbrush, performed a skit
or wrote a short story? There are infinite corners of your own imagination to
explore and not a minute to lose.
7. An Advent Penance Service with Absolution
You read this correctly, what a grand opportunity
to sit in silence with the Lord and a community of humble people and be invited
down the aisle to receive a wonderful gift, God's mercy and peace. You can go on
feeling guilty that you have not received this sacrament in decades, so why not
skip the excuses and come to Holy Family this Sunday at the 10am Mass and receive
an early Advent gift. God’s love for you will be wrapped with hands around your cheeks and and a
tender voice that will say: "I miss you and love you very much." Please join us this
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine
Friends who have suffered many pains and sorrows during the past year. They
might have lost their health, a job, a relationship, respect, but let them know
that they can never lose Your LOVE for them. Come and celebrate God’s love for
you in this memorable celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It will
be the best gift you have ever received during the Advent Season.