A beggar asked his neighbor for charity but the neighbor told him: "I'll give you something even better.” The neighbor brought the beggar to a merchant, and asked him to find a job for the beggar. As the neighbor was well trusted, the merchant didn't hesitate to give some merchandise to the beggar and asked him to travel and sell them in another city.
A few days later, the neighbor found the beggar still in a miserable condition; surprised, he asked him about the matter. The beggar informed him: "While traveling, I found a blind eagle in the desert, and I was very curious how it got food though it was blind; I observed it for some time, and, to my surprise, another eagle came and fed it. I said to myself, this bird took care of that blind eagle in this desert and who will take care of me! So, I returned to the city and gave the merchant back his goods."
But the neighbor after reflection, asked him: "But tell me, why did you choose to be the blind eagle, not the other one, who could fly, chase, and take care of others?"
Maybe the Spirit of God might be nudging you to task care of someone who you least expect. Bartimaeus was a blind beggar who took a different approach to life than our beggar in the story. He shouted to Jesus, but was scolded by the crowd and ordered to be quiet. Then Jesus does something rather odd, he is perfectly capable of calling Bartimaeus to himself, and yet he tells others in the crowd to do it. “Call him here.”
What do you think is see happening here? If the people had refused Jesus request would Bartimaeus have remained blind? If we fail to act when nudged by the Holy Spirit, does it mean some poor soul will go unnoticed by God?
Jesus asks, “What do you want me to do for you?” No desire for power here, just a confident but humble request “Rabbi, I want to see.” And as quickly as the request is spoken Bartimaeus is told, “Go, your faith has healed you.” We are told that Bartimaeus immediately began to follow Jesus along the road.
What do we see as you gaze upon this Sonshine photo of a morning sunrise in the Adirondacks? A beautiful Autumn morning, a reflection of the spirit inside of you nudging you to take notice of someone in need of God’s grace. Maybe like that eagle you will soar and bring God’s love to those who are different, to those who make us look at ourselves and ask: Where are our blind spots?”
God prays for us as we reflect: “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6).
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends that God gives us the grace to fill our eyes that we may see others as You see them. Help us to make our community of faith a haven for the hurt, the lost, the angry, and for all who feel they have been rejected by the world. We have felt your love and forgiveness and it is our desire to share what we have experienced with them. As we go about our routines this week help us to really see and hear what goes on around us. Open our senses to the opportunities you present for us to share your love with others. Help us to be builders of community in your name.