Sunday, October 04, 2009

Faith Muscles

Wilson is a wonderful barn horse who through the years has developed a remarkable patience with “novice” riders. I consider myself a “novice” rider who many times forgets the basics of horsemanship like staying in balance. When Wilson started to canter, I was flopping up and down in the sandal and pulling on the bit that makes it very uncomfortable for the horse. Poor Wilson, he must have thought that Fr. Matt had a bad week and wanted the lesson to stop at that moment.

Instead my instructor said stop, take your feet out of the stirrups and stretch your legs. I was not balanced over the horse. The reason was simple. I had not been doing my stretching exercises. Once the legs were loose and stretched, we started to canter again, grabbed mane and horse and rider felt more comfortable going over the cross rails.

One exercise excellent for the horse to practice in the ring is to ”gently’ pull the rein to one side. Wilson would tuck his head to that side which helps to stretch his neck. At the same time, I push with my calf so that Wilson continues walking in a straight line. Horses need to stretch their necks and backs so that their muscles stay healthy and strong.

Many times, we feel out of shape because we procrastinate and fail to exercise. In life, we feel overwhelmed by many difficulties because we have not been stretching our “faith” muscles.

It is possible to conclude that difficulties help our faith to grow strong? My response is yes, yes, and yes again. If life were all smooth sailing we would not develop the faith muscles. An individual confined to a hospital bed for a long time will find it difficult to walk properly. In fact, it has been proven that the lack of use tends toward deterioration.

So when "hills" appear in your life, when even "mountains" loom in your pathway, consider an opportunity to get into balance. This is how we develop our muscles. We believe that the testing of faith produces patience. So let patience help us when we are out of spiritual balance.

God prays for us as we reflect: "Consider it all joy when you fall into various trials. Because you know that the testing of faith develops perseverance.” (James 1:2-3).

Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who are a tad out of shape physically and spiritually. Help us to develop the spiritual strength to manage the trails of life with our faith muscles in perfect balance.

Many churches celebrated the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi with a pet blessing. Here is my “Pet Prayer for the Lost and Forgotten”

To all the fur-balls who are lost, Or homeless, Or living as strays, may they find a good meal to eat. May they have shelter to keep them warm. May they have comfort. May they be shown kindness by strangers. And may they return home, or find good homes. May they rest in a place in which they can thrive. Filled with love, with warmth, with tender caring, with good food, with true companions for all of their days.