Be very still. This little blue heron has his eye on some breakfast. Notice at this precise moment, he has become very still not to alert the fish. swimming under the algae. I'm writing these words at 6:00 in the morning. The room is quiet. The air outside is still and clear and the weather report is to brace for an afternoon ice storm. But the only sound is the thumping on my keyboard. I praying for Rosalie and Roger, Natalie and Jim, Penny and Roger in Alaska who emailed that it's 10 below zero in Eagle River, Alaska.
I have learned a lot about being still. I told someone that we live in a microwave world. By that I mean we want everything right away.
I know you have heard the joke. The clerk said, "When do you want it?" Answer: "Yesterday". Well, that sorta sums up our attitude just about everything.
But, as I was saying, what I have learned is there is so much good from being still. Let me be the first to say that "it is hard" to just be still. But, it is in the quietness of life that strength is had. In the noise and confusion of our living we are easily made victims of discouragement and defeat.
In Numbers 13:30 the verse prays: "And Calab stilled the people before Moses and said, 'Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.'"
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends to remember in the quietness comes our strength. You can overcome whatever obstacles or icicles you face this week. This is not to say that all will be changed immediately. But it is to say that your negative attitude and being weighed down by the confusion and problems will be lessened.