What is Jesus saying in Luke’s version of the Beatitudes. He’s expressing God’s love for the poor. But I also hear what this current moment in our nation’s history is saying, and it’s very different. When I read the news coming out of Washington, I’m hearing the opposite of what Jesus’ teaching:
Woe to you who are poor, for your poverty is none of our concern.
Woe to you who are hungry, for we won’t be sending you any more food.
Woe to you who weep now, for you will go on weeping. You will catch preventable diseases, and your children will die of malnutrition because the wealthiest man in the world has decided your lives aren’t important.
And woe to you who are criticized and reviled for preaching the word of God. There will be a resolution presented in our government to condemn your sermon as a “distorted message.” The grant money appropriated to you by our government for non-religious humanitarian work will be called “illegal.”
But blessed are you who are rich. You will get even richer.
Blessed are you who are full now, for there’s a big, fat permanent tax break coming your way.
Blessed are you who are laughing now, for you are now in charge.
Blessed are you when all speak well of you, for you have really put one over on the people.
I struggle with this message. I have a definite conflict between honoring my ordination vow to preach the truth and stand up for the poor and the marginalized, and my responsibility as a retired pastor to provide a calm online worship experience which allows my Sonshine Friends to come quietly into the presence of God—blessedly free of controversy or anything upsetting.
I’m not trying to make people angry, but I am trying to say that what is happening in Washington—the arbitrary withholding of humanitarian funds and the shutdown of the United States Agency for International Development—is a direct contradiction of the Holy Scriptures.
Luke’s Gospel is full of references to economic justice. The Virgin Mary sings of God’s regard for the poor. Jesus tells the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, in which a man wastes food but lets a beggar starve. Even dogs show the poor man more compassion than does the wealthy man. But when they both die, the poor man is carried away to the bosom of Father Abraham. The rich man is in torment in hades and is reminded by Abraham that he had Moses and the prophets to teach him about compassion. Jesus tells the parable of the rich fool as a warning against greed. Perhaps the most obvious example of all is the parable of the Good Samaritan in which we are reminded to love our neighbor as ourselves by showing mercy. Jesus tells us, “Go and do likewise.”
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends that as we enter the holy season of Lent, we might give up more than candy, that we will not withhold generosity or compassion. We take up our special offerings and support the work of our parish community to help the poor, the migrants, And we will continue to pray “Thy kingdom come; thy will be done.” Keep praying. Keep your hearts open. Keep seeking God’s will. It’s more important now than ever. If someone asks you what side of the aisle you are on, instead of getting upset or defensive might I suggest this humble response: “I am a Beatitude person!”