Thursday, July 04, 2024



The people were astonished at His teaching. It happens all the time in the Gospel of Mark. It's the same Greek word, and sometimes we translate it in English differently. Astonished, amazed, surprised. But it's the same thing. Jesus cast out an unclean spirit, and the people are astonished. When he restores Jairus's daughter to life, the people are astonished. When he cleanses the temple, the people are spellbound. 


And they say, "Where did this man get all this?" The scribes and the religious leaders, the experts, thought they knew. They said he gets this by Beelzebub, the ruler of demons. And here in the gospel, in his own hometown, the people reject Jesus. Think about it. The religious leaders, the spiritual experts, and his own hometown reject him. 


One message is clear: If you are going to take a stand for something, expect opposition. If you're going to be bold, there are going to be people who will oppose you, attack you, seek to discredit you, and even reject you. And sometimes, those people will come from the places you least expect it. The religious experts and his own hometown reject Jesus. But what's more important is notice how Jesus responds to the rejection.


First, he marvels at their unbelief, and then he carries on. He keeps doing what he's doing. In fact, he finds ways to do even more of it. What's the very next thing that happens after this in the Gospel of Mark? He expands the mission. It gets bigger. He sends the 12 out two by two. Jesus doesn't shrink back. He pushes onward and upward. He multiplies. Instead of just Him, now there's Him plus 12 more going out. He gives them authority over unclean spirits. He gives them the power to anoint, to heal the sick.


I have a Sonshine Friend who volunteers on his parish Evangelization committee. His fellow parishioners are struggling with an empty church. He shared that its “crunch” time meaning its time to learn how to invite Catholics whose churches are closing to join their congregation. 


Sadly, he admits as a parishioner for three decades, he has offered several ideas to welcome people searching for God to come to their altar but his ideas have been rejected. “It’s too much work,” has been their reply. Still in his heart he knows Christ dwells in his heart and his ministry has been to bring joyful song for all their services., You see my dear friend has served  as the church organist for decades and he is the best.


I reminded my friend how Jesus responded to rejection. He kept on peddling, meaning he kept doing what he does best. And He said, "Go preach the good news, and if people don't welcome you or refuse you, shake the dust off your feet." In other words, opposition and rejection, they're going to come. Shake the dust off your feet. Don't let it get to you. In fact, as long as you're doing the will of God, stay the course. Think about that. Jesus wasn't waiting on a vote or an endorsement or compliments. The mission must go on. 


He sends out the twelve, he expands, and then he carries on himself. He goes and feeds 5,000 people with five loaves and two fish. Jesus perseveres. My friend shared with his committee a way to connect with people is not with a billboard but a social media campaign for that’s where  people connect with one another online.

Then the message needs to share that in his church people will be feed in many creative outreach services that include; a Food Co-Op, Supporting Homeless Shelters, Promoting Mental Awareness, Utilizing Community Centers, Organizing Outreach Events, Forming Small Groups for Targeted Outreach, Conducting Bible Study in Community Spaces, Partnering with Local Schools, Adopting Nursing Homes, Mentoring Programs for Young People, Community Beautification Projects, Hosting Skills Workshops.


I reminded my friend that the gospel is a lesson in persistence, perseverance, fortitude, stick-to-it-ness, and courage. We are a people of faith and trust, not fear and doubt. This message of courage, perseverance, and boldness applies in all kinds of ways. 


Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine friends, especially those people like my friend who understand the power of faith. He knows what God can do. He knows that faith and trust overcome fear and doubt. Where does that come from? It comes from a deep sense within you, a deep sense of who you are, and of whose you are. You are a baptized child of God. You belong to Him and to Him alone. Be not deterred by haters, detractors, and critics. Your life is too valuable, your calling too high, your mission too important, courage, perseverance, and boldness. Be bold. Be Catholic.