Do you believe in angels? In today's gospel, we hear the famous story about the angel, Gabriel, appearing to Mary.
The angel Gabriel says, "Mary, you're going to have this baby." Mary doesn't say, "Hey, that's impossible. I haven't been with a man. That's not going to happen." No, she doesn't say that. This is her question, "How can this be since I have no husband?" She assumes that it can be. If God's angel is coming to her and saying, "This is what's up, Mary," she doesn't say, "No, it's not possible." She assumes with faith that, "Okay, I believe what you're saying to me. But I'm not sure how it's going to work. Can you help me out with that?"
Can you help us out with the question, why this pandemic?
And, of course, the angel goes on to explain. If you've got questions for God, great. We have plenty of questions for God, like why is my business shut down, or when can we go back to work, or when can I feel it safe for my child to be back in school, or worse why did my family member have to die. The questions are heart wrenching and endless.
But let's ask our questions like Mary with faith. I think it's okay to be a bit skeptical about stuff. I think that's good. I think that's healthy sometimes. But there's a difference between skepticism and cynicism. There's a difference between questioning.
And I think the difference is this: are we seeking the truth? Are we skeptical but still seeking the truth because the cynic isn’t? The cynic isn't seeking the truth. The cynic has put himself or herself in this place, which is a really unhealthy place psychologically and a really unhealthy place spiritually.
And so yes, we have questions for God. Great. But let's ask them boldly. Let's ask them with faith. And let's ask them with the hope that God is going to reveal to us what we don't yet understand. And he's going to do it in his own time. And let's be patient as we wait for that.
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who struggle with their questions, why so much sickness, why so many deaths, why do we have to wear those uncomfortable masks and keep our distance. Yes, we want to celebrate our Christmas with family, we like to be in church for Midnight Mass with our neighbors but let’s ask with faith and truly listen to what is our angel is telling us?