Undoubtedly, by any measure this has been a historically challenging year on seemingly every level. Whether it’s the viral pandemic… civil strife and growing polarizing division we experience whether virtually or in person… horrific weather events from wildfires to hurricanes. And that’s not even considering the challenges, the struggles, the setbacks and difficulties so many people are dealing with on a local level in their homes, their families. It’s understandable that there’s been widespread weariness, frustration and even depression.
With all those and probably a list of other challenges that escape the mind right now, it can be hard not to have a somewhat dismissive reaction to St. Paul’s words when he says, “Have no anxiety at all.” Imagine posting that online you can already hear the responses – “easy for you to say Paul…” “For Real?”
Paul, we believe was inspired by God to do so. That the Holy Spirit guided Paul’s mind, heart and hand to compose those words and that this divine message was not limited to just the people who were suffering persecution, but addressing these words to us, here, in North Java, in Wyoming County, in October of 2020.
So, take a second to just think of whatever it is that is causing you anxiety right now. Whatever the list of worries, concerns, doubts and fears you’re experiencing… short term or long term… things for yourself, for your loved ones, your neighbors, our community, our nation, our world.
Paul says… God says: Have no anxiety at all.
Have no anxiety at all – because Paul reminds us, we have a God who loves us… Who is waiting for us to acknowledge His presence… Longing for us to recognize His history of goodness… and to cast our prayers, make our requests known to Him.
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends, let this be our daily mantra: “Seek to do God’s will and you will be free of needless worry and anxiety.”
You’re invited to follow the link below to enjoy the beauty reflected in images captured in the photography of Father Matt. Today’s Sonshine image is a new 2020 image that can be found in the Autumn Gallery. Proceeds will support the ministries of our parish and comfort home: www.frmatt.com