At Work
The relationships you have, the results you achieve, the quality with which you do your work can all be the stuff of holiness. Each day we “suit up and show up” at work we get opportunities to learn more about ourselves and to contribute our gifts to the good of the world.
In Difficult Relationships
It’s easy to love other people when everything’s going well. But when there are hurt feelings, mistrust, or clashing wills, relationships don’t feel very much as though they are of God. Yet it is at just those times, that we can witness the movement of God in our lives, leading us to healing, trust, and cooperation.
In Our Failings
We all like to be heroes. But it’s a given that each of us will fail in our lives. Nevertheless, when we hit our limits or even when we sin, we can turn to God for acceptance, mercy, and the strength to make amends and sin no more. In that turning to God and in our opening ourselves up to God’s grace and forgiveness, we become better people.
In Loneliness
Rather than trying to fill the emptiness with mindless entertainment or indulging our cravings, sit still and find God in the emptiness. It takes patience and courage and humility, but you will hear the “still small voice” of God even in the midst of your emptiness responding to your loneliness and restlessness with the only love that fully satisfies.
In Pleasure
Many people seem to think that if something’s fun, it must be at least partially wrong. Yet God gives us the world to live in and enjoy. In the words of St. Ireneaus, the “glory of God is a human being fully alive.” Therefore, pleasure is a place to meet God, whether it be the pleasure of nature, of playing, of loving one another, of beauty, or of the occasional overwhelming conviction that we are loved by God.
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends, that they experience your warmth in these surprising moments. The image comes from a Sonshine Friend who took this stunning photo in Maine. Take a moment to meet God in the glory of His creation.
You’re invited to follow the link below to enjoy the beauty reflected in images captured in the photography of Father Matt. Let the vibrancy of color and the clarity of vision refresh your spirit and elevate your mood. Proceeds will support the ministries of our parish and comfort home: