Sunday, July 19, 2020

We Are Never Alone

I had just returned from Zooming another Sunday Mass with 40 parishioners that included two families with their children wearing masks. I was asked by an online Zoomer to pray for her dad who died three weeks ago. She is the niece of Bishop Peplowski, who inspired the rebirth of our parish and a man who was like a grandfather and spiritual mentor to me.

A few days before he died, he shared his wisdom of priesthood: “Tell people that they are not alone. Promise me you’ll keep telling people the Good News.”

With tears rolling down my face, I cannot count the number of times I have replayed this conversation between the two of us in the last two years since it took place. I recall the memory of what it felt like to have this jovial man of God lovingly gaze at me and understand what mattered to me at my core. I cherish the bond that we had, not only as priest colleagues and bishop, but also as two kindred souls who knew what it was like to be loved by God.

He knew in those last moments of his life what I now understand better than I ever did what it was like to discover the promises of God. His understanding of the promises grew in him through the lived experience of 81 years of a life full of joys and sorrows, weaved together with the stitches of his journey of faith. Life, prayer, and his community experience of faith taught Bishop that there were some things in life that were unchangeable and that served as firm foundations upon which to build our lives.

If I were asked, “Why do you have hope?” during this pandemic, my immediate reply would be because I know that I am not alone. God is with me. God is within each one of us, always residing in that sacred space within us, the inner chapel. By visiting the inner chapel every day, I discover that I am not going to an empty silence but  to be with the One I belong to, who loves me unconditionally, who offers me rest and mercy, and who is a companion to whatever I am facing in life.

The promises of God are available to all of us. They are there for us to discover as we go to our inner chapels daily. These promises tell us:
  • We are never alone.
  • We belong to someone.
  • We are unconditionally loved.
  • We are fully seen and offered mercy.
  • We have a companion in our suffering.
  • We have a unique call.

Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends that they embrace these promises of God, but to generously sharing this Good News with those who need it during these challenging times.