to technical difficulties, we are unable to bring you this program.” My sincere
apologies, but prior to today’s Sunday’s Mass, we just could not get our
computer to link up with ZOOM. Folks would click the link and get a message
that said, “meeting in progress” or worse, call on your phone and the voice
said, “the meeting had not started.”
reflection was about the Gospel in which Jesus refers to himself as “the Good
Shepherd” and the “gate for the sheep.” Images that need a bit of explanation.
have a connection with the shepherd unlike that of other farmers with their
animals. The Shepherd knows every one of his sheep. For example, at Holy
Family, Joy and Dan sit with their children to my left, behind them are Mary
and Roy, then Mary on the aisle with Tina, Tori and Donna behind her. Further
down the side aisle are Karen and Bob holding grandson Jamison, then Harry, and
Tom and Donna. And holding up the back pew are Denny and Gus. Yes, this
shepherd knows where you sit in church and even knows when one of you is
Jesus’ time, there would be three or four shepherds who’d put all of their
sheep together in a pen while one of the shepherds would watch though the night
protecting them from thieves, or wild animals; and in the morning, the
shepherds would call, and the flocks would split and follow their respective
shepherd. They knew which voice to follow in order to find direction in life.
They recognized the voice of their shepherd.
tells us that if we listen to His voice and follow Him, He will lead us to an abundant
life. That we will be saved. That death will have no power over us.
like good news, but for the early disciples it wasn’t enough, disciples are
leaving town, or like Thomas, thinking it can’t be true; or like Mary
Magdalene, unable to recognize Jesus Christ standing right in front of her, and
dare say we are in the same boat wondering in this moment of history when we are
going to be able to come back into church to pray and share fellowship.
will lift us
out of those thoughts of despair is by hearing Jesus voice and remembering
who we are.
do we hear the voice of Jesus? First: you will find His voice in the people who
are caring for our sick and dying people in our hospitals, the doctors, nurses
and first responders giving comfort and hope and healing. Second: you know it in
the voices of volunteers who bring food to our school children or caregivers at
Charlotte Home. Third: you may know it in the voice of a family member or friend
inviting you to a ZOOM gathering to connect or simply pray together. Fourth: in the voice of mom and dad praying at
the bedside of their children that God will protect grandpa and grandma from
getting sick.
I pray for all my Sonshine Friends, the parishioners
at Holy Family, their relatives, neighbors and friends around the country that
despite my failure to connect they can hear Your voice. We have a sign outside
the front of our church today that says it all: “CAN’T SLEEP, DON’T COUNT
quick story, last Sunday, I was sitting in the sanctuary and it is 10 minutes
before Mass and I heard the side door of the church open. I shout ‘Whose there
and got no response.” Again, I hear shuffling in the hallway and the next
moment Mary peaks around the corner of the door. I say to Mary, “you’re not supposed
to be here, I don’t want you to get sick.” She says that she wanted to leave me
something and places an envelope on the chair next to me. She then says she
going back home to watch Mass on her computer. I send her off with a blessing.
However, curiosity got the best of me and I took the envelop into the sacristy
and opened it up with a note that said, “I can barely see anymore but I hope
you and Sue can use this to keep safe.” When I opened the tissue, I found a homemade
mask to keep us safe. I’m thinking about Mary’s voice right now, disappointed
that I couldn’t stream the Mass to you this morning. Jesus is saying “Fr. Matt,
no big deal, you ‘re going to be alright and so is everyone else who believes
in Me.”
Thank you,
Mary, you are the voice of Jesus telling all of us to be safe and so I want all
of you at Holy Family, your family, neighbors to continue to wear your masks
with a smile and may God bless you Father, Son and Holy Spirit.