Saturday, December 20, 2014

How Will I Get Through This?


I wonder what Christmas gifts Joseph might have bought for Mary? If he’d paid attention to his girl, he might have shopped for the special bathrobe she pointed out to him. So he searched at Macy’s, Penny’s and Sear’s and bite the bullet and went to Eastview Mall and found s plush bathroom at Mon Amor. The sales girl told him that they would even alter the robe if it were too long and that they offered free gift-wrap. One item done. Mary was not much for jewelry since she could make her own. But for her birthday, Joseph bought her some poinsettia earrings and it would be nice if he could find a matching necklace, after searching many stores he got lucky and find her a string of green and purple stones on a silver necklace. Boy, will she be surprised!

Meanwhile back home, Mary was indeed surprised or more shocked when she got a home visit from the Archangel Gabriel. Initially you might think that receiving such a visit would be like winning the lottery: what a great thing to have happen to you! Except that throughout Scripture the people whom God takes the time personally to visit generally get set up for a pretty difficult life. Mary is no exception. Gabriel's greeting was like "Rejoice! You have found favor in God's sight!" That is good news, but Mary will discover soon enough that being the mother of God's Messiah will not be easy. She'll spend many years worrying herself sick about the odd things that her son ends up doing and saying. Ultimately, of course, she'll watch him die horribly in a public spectacle just outside Jerusalem.

How do we respond to the Gabriel’s in our own lives? How do we react when God suddenly knocks on our door to announce a change in plans?
When the doctor calls…
When the sun never seems to shine anymore…
When our jobs grow boring and exhausting…
When the customers won’t stop begging us for discounts…
When a child becomes ill…or a parent is bedridden…or the pregnancy results aren’t what you thought they’d be…or wanted them to be.
We may find ourselves brought up short by life.  We may feel disappointment, confusion, maybe even anger.  And we may ask those words that Mary asked so long ago, “How can this be?” How will I get through it?  How will I manage? The answer is the same today as it was 2,000 years ago. And that is what we cling to. It is possible. Because nothing is impossible with God.

Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who are facing impossible situations the lack of sunshine, the lack of a friend, a more challenging job, a physical pain that won’t go away, people who are never satisfied, a change in our life plans. Let an angel come to their aid at this moment and breathe these words into their spirit: “Do not be afraid-because nothing is impossible with God.”