Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Climb Aboard

I was on my way to select some pumpkins when an 18,000-ton truck pulls into the dump area for harvested corn and my friend Denny jumps out of the cab and says, “Get in.” He wanted this city-boy to experience what’s its like to go out into the corn field and drive log side the ‘chopper.” Now when I shared this experience with family, they thought I was invited to sit on a Harley motorcycle. This was better! I was traveling down the county road with Chad who was taking me into the field to harvest the corn.

The driver in this truck has to be fearless and watchful. Once in the field, you are looking for a behemoth of a machine known by farmers as the “chopper.” This machine has massive forks that slide between the corn stalks and pulls them into a center shoot that chops the corn at the rate of a thousand RPMs.

Chad’s experienced showed as he maneuvers his truck along side the chopper and carefully make sure his truck is under the device that tosses the chopped remains of the corn into the bed of his truck. Unlike the spoiled farmers out west with hundreds of flat acres, we are going up and down hills where it’s possible to get stuck in the mud. Chad follows along side the chopper for we have to keep up with this behemoth that races up and down the rows of corn.

It’s one thing to know how to drive a truck, but then you have to learn to drive up and down the hills of the field and then learn how to stay close to the chopper to catch all the stalks that are being crushed by this mean machine.

God’s invites us into his cab. He then takes us for a ride that has many twists and turns; there is some pain, some sadness, a few joys and even surprises. We need to be watchful and keep up where the Lord takes us.

I was told that not many people want to be drivers in the field during harvest. Just like not many people want to come inside church to learn what it means to travel with Jesus in this life.

Let me share that at one point I was told to get out of the truck and climb onboard the chopper. That ride in the chopper through the fields was awesome. So too, our journey with God is awesome if we remain watchful and ready to climb onboard.

Is God calling you today to serve in some way to bring his love and comfort to others?

God speaks to our hearts:“I will lead the blind by a road they do not know, by paths they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I will do, and I will not forsake them.”(Isaiah 42:16).

Lord, I pray for all my Sonshne Friends who accept Your invitation to climb onboard into your cab and journey with You down the road that leads to eternity life. May we be brave enough to follow You on our journey in life.