One day a little girl asked her father, "Daddy, what is God like?" The question sounded innocent enough--until the father actually tried to put his answer into language that a five-year- old could relate to. Finally, he gave the answer for which fathers are famous: "Go ask your mother." She went to her mother with the question, "Mother, what is God like?" The mother soon realized that she had no adequate answer for her daughter either. She said, "Honey, why don't you ask your Sunday school teacher?" The little girl went to her Sunday school teacher with the same question, "What is God like?" The teacher said simply, "Why don't you ask your father or mother?" The little girl thought to herself as she left, "If I had lived with God as long as my father and mother and Sunday school teacher, I think I would be able to tell a little girl what He is like."
How would you answer this little girl’s question? Is God like your best friend who listens to you on the phone when something bad has happened in your life? Or, is God like the co-worker who pats you on the back after you completed a project before a deadline. Maybe, God is like your parent who smiles and takes your pictures while you were performing on stage at a school play. Or, maybe God was like your mom who coached your lacrosse team and encouraged everyone on the team to do their best.
What God really wants from us is a change of heart, a change of direction in the course of our lives through good works. And good works do not begin overseas somewhere in Africa or Asia, or even in some poor inner city area. Good works should begin in our own families, in our own neighborhoods and in our everyday lives. They begin with the little things-- the kind word, the encouraging pat on the back, or being willing to listen to someone pour out their heart. These small acts of kindness are of far more weight than an envelope in the offering plate or a prayer for a missionary overseas. How often we long to do the great things for Christ, but overlook these daily critical signs of faith that should be our way of life.
Yesterday, I was blessed to listen to a wonderful Sonshine Friend who poured out their heart about a situation in which they felt rejected by her partner’s family. The pain and hurt of years of rejection had made her feel dark and empty. What is God like at this moment? Someone who has patience and pays attention. I did not have any clever psych-babble to make her feel better. But I listened and simply paid attention to her concerns for someone she loves very much but feels misunderstood.
What does the Lord require of each one of us is to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God. God is like our mentor who reminds us to make kindness our second nature.
Immanuel prays for us as we reflect; “Whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm.” (Proverbs 1:33).
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who daily bring Your kindness into homes, offices and communities. Help us to be more patient and pay attention to reach out, to touch, and to enrich the lives of others.