Sunday, December 11, 2011

Blessing of the First Snow

The first snow of the season is a blessing from God. The trees and shrubs have a light dusting of white resting quietly on each limb. Along the stream bank, the rocks and roots are sprinkled with laces of white that make the most exquisite of designs. God is speaking to us in a conversation that can only be heard in your heart.

Remember the meaning of blue during this Advent season. How it represents the darkness of the night that gives way to the bright light of morning. Well imagine yourself in your attic or basement trying to sort the clutter of last Christmas. You are searching for wrapping paper and ribbons amid the mess of boxes, ribbons and boxes. However, the shrapnel of memory begins to overwhelm you.

As you reach across the mess, you come upon a card of an old friend. Suddenly something very unexpected tugs at your heart. You recall the good times you had together and then all of a sudden those good memories faded and you think about all the mistakes that you and your special friend had made.

An emptiness, sadness seemed to settle into your heart. God sees what in your heart and noticed in the middle of the floor a little blue box. When you think about what the blue box was, your countenance begins to change as you recall all of the notes of encouragement that lay within that blue box.

They are the promises of God that keeps us going after our heartbreaking breakup with our friend. Inside the blue box are the reminders of the friendship that we have developed with God during the darkest time of our life.

What we can imagine next is like the gente snow that covers each branch of the tree. Suddenly our floor (our soul) is no longer filled with memories of pain and hurt but now it is just a bunch of trash and a very special blue box.

Sometimes we try to cling to our past, and the bad memories that haunt us. Sometimes the best thing to do is just throw it all away and with God’s help, just move forward!

Immanuel watches over us as we reflect: “The Lord says, Do not cling to events of the past or dwell on what happened long ago. Watch for the new thing I am going to do. It is happening already-you can see it now. (Isaiah 43:18-19).

Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends that walking in the first snow of the season we can listen to your gentle voice melting our fears that bring us comfort and peace.