Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Treated Like a King

Everett worked in customer service and treated everyone he met “like a king.” People would cry on the phone or walk up to his desk with tales of woe about their broken machines. You see Everett managed a car repair shop. Oh, not any ordinary shop, but one people trusted for its excellent and honest service. If he was in a middle of an order for a part and someone came to him desperate because they had a flat or the engine blew-up, he would come around his desk, put his arms around their shoulder and reassure them they things would be taken care of.

He would stop immediately and leave what he was doing. Why not? This illustrates what any good king would do when sitting with his council deliberating on high affairs of state involving the destiny of nations, when suddenly he hears the sorrowful cry of his little child, who has fallen down or been frightened by a wasp. He rises and runs to his relief, holding him tight and relieving his fears.

Is there anything "unkingly" here? Is it not most natural? I think that it even elevates the monarch in esteem. Everett was that kind of servant. For him, customer service meant listening to the people who walked through his door with their broken vehicles, listening to the sounds of their problems, setting them down with a cup of coffee, asking them for their patience while his gifted staff worked on the car and finally escorting them personally back to the car that was fixed like new. Imagine all this service from a man who had his share of medical and personal problems, but he never would let you down. Everett treated everyman man, woman and child like a king.

Now think, why would we think it dishonorable for the King of all the kings, our Heavenly Father, to consider the small matters of his children - like you, for instance!

Now reflect on this psalm: “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on the faithful.” (Psalm 103:13).

The Heavenly Father does care about you - in His eyes, you are a very special person. Never forget that!!

Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who often think we are of no account - no one knows about us in our particular situation - no one cares. Yet, down deep in the hearts of hearts let realize Our Lord’s loving concern. Things might not be going as they would want, but that does not mean that You are not with them in a particular situation. Bless them, and give them Your heavenly peace. Thank you Everett for treating everyone like a king and may you rest in peace taking care of all the saints vehicles in heaven.
