But if you look closely there is an incredible message that slaps us in the face with delightful surprise.
There are four other parables that are precise variations on this gospel. First, there is the parable of the unforgiving servant, with its message of God’s extraordinary capacity to forgive someone with a huge debt he couldn’t possibly pay back. Then there are the familiar stories of the lost sheep, the woman with the lost coin and the prodigal son. In each of these stories, we see how a God acts toward us in a way that we would not naturally expect. They all reveal a God who comes to us in love and mercy, not as a harsh judge who justifiably wants to punish us for our sins.
Simply put, these five parables show God’s radical and surprising ways with us. No first century king, for example would forgive a huge debt any more than VISA or MasterCard would cancel thousands of dollars of our credit card debt. No sensible shepherd would leave ninety-nine sheep at huge risk to go looking for one measly lost animal. No sane woman would sweep her house for hours looking for a single coin worth ten cents. And certainly no first-century father would freely forgive his wayward son, running to meet him and then throwing a party to celebrate his return. A proper father would put the son on probation for a while to see if he was serious about repenting.
The workers who worked hard all day didn’t get it. They wanted more money than their co-workers who came at the end of the day. But you see, the same dynamic is at work here as in the other parables; the after hour workers are the indebted servant, the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son. They represent all of us who feel lost and broken. It might be our selfishness, our destructive lifestyle or thoughtless manners.
In all those stories Jesus is claiming that each of us is of infinite worth to Almighty God, no matter who we are or what we have done or not done, how long we have or haven’t worked. All fringe, indebted, lost latecomer folk are given underserved kindness and mercy. Do you see this profound truth? These are not stories about fairness or labor-management relations. They are stories about God, a God who leaves ninety-nine to search for one, who sweeps a house for ten cents, who embraces a son who had fled him—and who gives one-hour laborers too much money. It’s a story designed to take our breath away and ask, “What kind of a God is this who undermines all human expectations?
Immanuel watches over us as we reflect: “The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer.” (Psalm 6:9).
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who feel lost and without hope. May your gift of forgiveness lift our spirits and bring us peace of mind and heart.