So they scouted the sales that’s saved a couple of hundred dollars off the machine if you bought refrigerator at the same time and then on Labor day weekend, would take another 15 percent off. The rebate would make the deal even sweeter.
They went to the website of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority to complete the rebate application. NYSERDA was running a tab to show how much of the $3.5 million in rebates had been claimed as of that moment. Online, the application for the site would not open. The phone number set up to register applicants kicked immediately to voice mail. They left a message and got no response. The following day the application still would not open and the $3.5 million rebate had been used by other applicants.
My friends reached a live human being who had heard that people had trouble with the application online. He sent them a copy of the form and put them on a waiting list. In three days the money was all gone.
The couple was not happy about not getting the rebate, but the reality is that just about every business, every agency, every organization exists almost exclusively online. The intenet is an essential tool that we could not function without it. But it is also too convenient to distance ourselves from other human beings, to avoid contact and to blame failure on software glitches.
Some appliance buyers could open the oniine rebate application, but my friends could not. Breakdowns are routine. Websites can open the door to far more traffic then they can handle. And those who can’t get through are left to fume I the privacy of their homes or offices, pounding aimlessly on keyboards or touch screens that take them nowhere. Recently, both this blog and my website were down and I had no one to talk to about the problems.
I am sure you have had this sensation of being stymied somewhere in cyberspace, knowing for certain that there is no one to talk to, no way to prove how hard you have tried to get through.
In prayer, we have a direct line to a compassionate God who listens to all our concerns. There is no waiting, no busy signal, no endless prompts that take you nowhere but the pit of frustration. In your heart, you can immediately go to Our Lord and let Him inside your soul and share what’s on your mind, how you are doing and where you need wisdom and strength. The prayer line to heaven is open 24/7 with call forward. Perhaps our prayer application receives a message that our requests will not been granted. We sometimes do not like the news, but we know that we have made contact, that someone who loves us noticed and keeps us always in their mind and heart.
Immanuel watches over us as we reflect: “I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayers.” (Psalm 17:6).
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who are praying at this moment for their family and friends. May the Internet in our hearts remain open to all calls and, like Jesus, respond with generosity and compassion for all who call upon us.