She had prayed to God to help her dad during these years and now she feared about his soul. She knew the rules and wondered if God would ever forgive her father for taking his life.
I shared a story about my experience as a hospital chaplain when I was asked to find out the progress of a patient. Due to privacy laws, the medical staff has to maintain the privacy of information for each patient under their care. I understand and uphold this same integrity in the seal of confession, but at the time I was simply trying to learn if the patient was making progress. The nurse on call simple response was a “thumbs up.” I was grateful for her kindness that the patient was getting better and on their way home.
Our young daughter was suffering the death of her father and worse feared that he might be lost forever. Once again, I needed to remind her that the Resurrection is not about why there is suffering but that Jesus comes to redeem us from our fears, the worse fear is about death. So when I was asked what did I think happened to her dad. I simply gave her the “thumbs up” and she started to cry. She realized that the God she has always prayed to would be compassionate and take her father home to heaven.
Heaven knows we need more “thumbs up” gestures in a church that often times get blamed for damning too many people as not acceptable in the community. The end result is that there are many souls waiting to be admitted into the community of saints, but never felt welcomed by their churches. God save us from our arrogance and need for power.
Jesus invites us into the empty tomb to experience his light of life. That’s the Easter message, a “thumbs up” loving gesture that Jesus came to save us from our fears of sins, unworthiness or that we are not acceptable. In my community, all are welcomed and in God’s eyes he looks forward to the day when we will humbly walk with Our Lord into His wonderful garden of Paradise.
Immanuel watches over us as we reflect: "Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 22:43).
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine friends during the Easter Season who need the reassurance that they are making progress in their spiritual journey. However despair or rejection take root, be reassured that the divine gardener comes along to offer you a “thumbs up” that all will be saved by the grace and power of His love. Alleluia!