Thursday, February 18, 2010

Whenever There Is Silence

Whenever there is silence around me,

by day or night,

I am startled by a cry.

The first time I heard it,

I went out and searched

and found a man

in the throes of crucifixion.

I went to him and said,

“I will take you down.”

And I began to take the nails

out of his hands and his feet.

But he stopped me and said,

“You cannot take me down.

For I cannot come down

until every man, every woman,

and every child in the world

shall come together to take me down.”

“But, sir,” I said, “your cry – 
I cannot bear your cry.”

“This cry,” he told me,

“it is the anguish of those with no food,

of those who thirst,

the ones huddled naked against the cold,

the cry of those who are lonely and in prisons.

This is the cry of the homeless,

of the ones rejected and hated by society.

It is the cry of those whose lives are snuffed out

by anger, hate, or fear.

This is the cry of those living on the edge of war,

those made to wander from their homes in search of peace.”

“Then what am I to do?” I asked him.

“Go about the world,” he said.

“Tell everyone you meet:

We hang together on this cross.”

God prays for us as we reflect: “Let the person sit alone in silence, when it is laid upon them.” (Lamentations 3:28).

Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends during this joy-filled Season of Lent that our hearts will melt the fears, doubts and anyone who feels unworthy and in the silence hear your words of acceptance, forgiveness and loving embrace.