Sunday, June 14, 2009

Time Out

I am driving along route 19 when I notice a farm to my left with a meadow of beautiful wildflowers and horses grazing in the field. Since 5am I have had five appointments and I am racing to get back home to do some household chores. Then the thought strikes me. Take a “time out.” I still driving home and asked myself, what’s more important cutting the lawn or turning back and taking a photo of those horses. A few nano seconds go by and I still driving home, when a “heavenly hand” takes the wheel of my car and turns me around back to that meadow.

It is a divine sign and I am encouraging you to take a TIME OUT. "" you ask. Yes! There is no one in the whole world reading these lines (I have had e-mails from nearly 110 countries) who can not benefit from a "time out"

In sports such a time allows the players to take a break, to get rest, to plan their strategy, even to get strength for the rest of the game.

We have got to make it a habit to read the time out signal from the Lord daily. When we participate in that you will receive strength. That strength will be not just physical but spiritual strength. Strength for your soul. The soul is our mind, will and emotions. Getting the needed strength allows us to go on more confidently.

The time out also gives us a breather to ask God's direction in a particular matter. How important it is not to get so involved in the living activities that we forget the "life in the Spirit.”

Still, in our heads we hear this mantra: “I’m so busy!” How many times a day do you hear (or say) that? Our lives are hectic, in part because of the 24/7 culture we live in. But some of the stress comes from our own choices. We say, “yes” too often. We overload our schedules. We long for a simpler life, but we’re not sure how to get there. I once told a successful business person that it appeared that they were so busy making a living that they were failing to make a life.

So I have two questions to help us “catch our breath” from the busyness of our culture are: Am I joyful? And the second: How do I bring that joy to others?

Saturday morning was the Spirit encouraging me to take a time-out to play. A “divine signal” to turn around and take a time out. So the image I want to share conveys this joyful focus is these young foals kicking up their hoofs in the meadow celebrating life.

Take lots of moments to relax this summer, Bookmark and forward to your friends my Photo Gallery that mark the “divine signal” pointing us to play and relax to revive our spirits.

God prays for us as we reflect: “My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him.” (Psalm 62:1)

Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends that they understand that taking a time out is so important. May each of you be encouraged to do even more than you are. May they find the peace that is so crucial to a fast paced world. Encourage them to take a time out when they are confused, when they are troubled, when they are agitated and ...when they are feeling alone. I am taking a time out from writing “Today’s Sonshine, ” Bookmark and visit the “Photo Gallery” often to see where the “divine signal” leads me this summer: