Sunday, February 15, 2009

By Our Side

As the president of a local company informed his co-workers that four of their colleagues had died in an airline crash in Buffalo, I could feel my stomach churn inside. My legs were quivering for once again I was standing by the side of a group of people stunned with profound grief. As there leader expressed, no words seemed adequate to convey their sorrow. Memories returned to holding the hands of patients at Strong or offering prayers in the JFK terminal after 9/11. I was being escorted by a spirit-filled co-worker from one cubicle to another to listen and offer healing and hope.

Many beautiful stories were being filtered by co-workers that revealed something special about their lost comrades. Stories about their brilliance in the field, their mentoring skills, their families and grandchildren left behind. As I toured the offices, I observed the deceased office desks piled high with work yet sprinkled with images of babies, pets, art work from the kids and images of special moments that celebrated a wedding day or special vacation.

Let me remind you that Jesus walks with us in our our brokenness, in those situations in life when we simply fall down on our knees and weep. We are not alone, for we have one willing to kneel by our side, and be by our side.

Remember the gospel story about a leper who came to Jesus, and said "If you will, you can make me clean " Notice the words of this man, "If you will." He was taking a risk and putting his whole life into the hands of Jesus. He had heard that he was a man of compassion and a man of power. In times of intense sorrow we need to take on this man’s heart when he says to himself. “I wonder if he can make me well? No, I don't wonder, I believe, I know deep within me that he can. I will go and ask that whatever he wills for my life, then so be it. I will approach Jesus and ask that his will be done in my life."

And we know the rest of the story, Jesus moved with piety stretched out his hand and touched him and said: " I will; be clean." Jesus acted because he knew how lonely, how miserable, how forsaken this person was. Jesus acted because no one else would. Jesus acted because the rest of society ignored this individual, Jesus acted because sadly this man's own religion couldn't be bothered.

In moments of intense sorrow that defy any explanation that leave us speechless, the leper choose to simply let go and let God take on his pain and sorrow. I wonder how many of us could say to Jesus, take my life and whatever you will for it, so be it? Isn't that what Christianity is all about? Surrendering ourselves to God, then letting his will of love be done in our lives.

I chose this image of the bleeding hearts reaching into the darkness to reflect the love of a compassionate God. I was privileged to witness that love as co-workers hugged and shared their stories about their friends. I believe that each of us are little Christ's, we are his hands of compassion, his hands of healing; his hands of love in a world crying for someone to care. Any time we see people hurting, we see people living with burdens, we see people afflicted with disease, we are compelled as Jesus was to reach out a hand to try with all of our strength to bring some measure of peace and comfort into that person's live.

God prays for us as we reflect: “Into your hands I commit my spirit; redeem me, O Lord, the God of truth. (Psalm 31:5).

Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who are on their knees due to sadness or rejection from those who fail to understand. Help us to walk with these “little ones” with your hands of acceptance and understanding. May our spirit of healing and compassion reach out to all in need, especially our neighbors in Buffalo at this time.