Exhausted, she reached for her grocery list that resembled more of a scientific equation than the food for the week. For the past several days, she had been learning the facts about juvenile diabetes and trying to accept Jenna, her six-year-old daughter's, diagnosis. In addition to the CPR exam she spent the day reviewing how to test Jenna's blood and give her insulin shots. Now she was buying the needed food to balance the insulin that would sustain Jenna's life.
This mom’s panic turned into a prayer. “God, I am so scared! What if I make a mistake and give Jenna too much insulin, or what if I measure her food wrong, or what if she does the unmentionable--and sneaks a treat? What if Joel's monitor goes off? What if he turns blue and I panic? What if?”
With a shiver, she tried to redirect her mind away from the what ifs. She gave myself an emergency pep talk and recited what she knew to be true, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I can do all things...."
She held a can of apple juice and began to read the label. Jenna will need fifteen carbohydrates of juice when her sugar drops. But this can has thirty-two. Immediately, she felt tears leave her eyes and make their way down the sides of her face. Not knowing what to do, she grabbed a couple six-packs of apple juice and placed them in her cart. Frustrated by feelings of total inadequacy, she crumpled up her grocery list, covered her face in her hands and cried.
"Honey, are you all right?" She heard a gentle voice ask. She had been so engrossed in her own thoughts that she hadn't noticed the woman who was shopping along side of her. Suddenly she felt her hand as she reached toward her and rested it upon her shoulder. "Are you all right? Honey, are you a little short of cash? Why don't you just let me…?"
She slowly dropped her hands from her face and looked into the eyes of the silvery haired woman who waited for her answer. "Oh, no, thank you ma'am." She said while wiping her tears, trying to gather my composure. "I have enough money." "It's just that I'm kind of overwhelmed. I'm here shopping for groceries so that I can bring my children home from the hospital tomorrow."
"Home from the hospital! What a celebration that shall be. Why, you should have a party!"
Within minutes this stranger had befriended her. She took her crumpled up grocery list, smoothed it out, and became her personal shopper. She stayed by her side until each item on her list was checked off. She even walked her to her car helping her as she placed the groceries in her trunk. Then with a hug and a smile, she sent this mom on her way.
It was shortly after midnight, while lugging the groceries into her house, that this mom realized the lesson this woman had taught me. "My kids are coming home from the hospital! Joel is off life support and functioning on a monitor. Jenna and I can learn how to manage her diabetes and give her shots properly. And just as God met my needs in a grocery store, He will meet each and every need we have. "I have a reason to celebrate!" She shouted for joy in her empty house. "Why you should have a party," the woman had exclaimed. And a party there would be!
God prays for us as we reflect: “I love you, O Lord, my strength.” (Psalm 18:1).
Lord. I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who are feeling exhausted after the holidays. Let the true celebration begin when we realize that we are NEVER alone but the presence of God watches over our concerns and gives us reason to celebrate.