Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Driving Into the Storm

I have just returned from another 9/11 incident providing critical incident services to over 500 employees who witnessed the death of a co-worker.

On 9/11 while buildings fell, lives were lost, I remember praying with passengers in the terminal at JFK because for some God was found.

There is no doubt that this date will stand forever in the corridors of time, but as I ministered to hundreds of workers who were shocked to learn that their colleague had died, the spirit of compassion was quietly working her way into the hearts of those employees to reach out to save others who were going through 9/11 experiences.

I believe we must continue to let the Holy Spirit minister to us in the areas of our fog and the darkness of our unbelief. While employees were in shock and disbelief, I heard many stories of suffering. The nephew gunned down on a city street only two weeks ago. An employee’s brother shot and killed over the weekend. A manager grief for his 16-year son who had died of cancer. A young man slumped at his desk at 11 o’clock at night who had just returned from the hospital where his father was on life support.

Then there was the woman diagnosed with cancer in May but she was in remission. Now, she wanted to help others and tell her story of survival and help others face their fear and despair with her courage and hope. The EMT who ran to the side of that employee had just graduated from her safety course was receiving emails from other EMT employees who offered to put together an emergency response team into their workplace. I believe the Holy Spirit was on fire with compassion in this call center in the past 48 hours healing during this traumatic moment.

Yet, in our 9/11 moments of daily life, we might be thinking: Why is this happening to me? or I just can’t handle this any longer, or God, where are you, I desperately need you? or Where was God on September 11?

There are many stories of suffering in the Scriptures for a reason. Through them, we can gain a glimmer of insight into dealing with our own sufferings. What can we learn about their sorrows and about our own? Through the storms of life and through any difficult situation let us learn that: some saints learn to hate, some saints learn to wonder and some saints learn to wait. I wonder where you might find yourself in these three statements?

Where was God September 11, 2001? Where was God in the past 48 hours? Yes, God is with you right now....where you are!! Now, that might not change the situation, but I know personally, that it changes my attitude toward any difficulty....the lost.....the job situation.....the marriage.....the relationship.....the raising of a difficult child....the lack of name your critical incident…your trauma.

The Lord prays for us as we reflect: “Even though I walk through a dark valley, I fear no harm for you are at my side; your rod and your staff give me courage.” (Psalm 23:4).

Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who desperately need you now! You are aware of the trauma we face at this very moment. In fact I believe that You are thinking about us right now. I pray you bring comfort and peace in a very special way from your keyboard in heaven to theirs. Assure them that they are not alone and assure them of your love in the situation. Please grant your peace and may their soul be calm through the storms of life.