He experienced the normal trauma reactions: disbelief, shock, sadness, anger, and confusion. Somehow, he knew deep inside that he had been preparing for this awful moment. For years, he ignored his wife’s invitation to come with the family to church. The usual stubborn excuses prevailed such as: business, fatigue, and other important secular matters. However, “something began to gnaw” inside his gut. Something was leading him on to come back to the Lord. A maelstrom was brewing inside his home and he better find safety in the house of God.
He attended a Men’s Group at his church and an elder gave a witness talk from this scripture: “There is an appointed time for everything; and a time for every affair under the heavens. …a time to die… a time to mourn…and a time to heal…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-4). Our poor soul felt that his marriage was dead. Surely, the old marriage was in tatters, but the grace of God works miracles and can help any couple be reborn from the ashes of despair and resentment. At the moment, he was drowning in his anger and “how dare she” betray the vows of the altar.” His rage only made him feel more helpless and vulnerable which evolved further into silly, self-righteous platitudes.
God’s healing salve entered this man’s heart when I reminded him of the story of the Magdalene. How did she feel when she looked into the eyes of our Lord? Looking into Jesus’ eyes, she felt no shame but only mercy. She found only peace and forgiveness which empowered her soul through God’s saving grace.
I gave this tortured soul an assignment or more like a prescription. I simple asked him that the next time he looked into the eyes of his tearful beloved, what would she see? The Lord’s merciful eyes or the vengeful glare of her accuser. There was only silence as he left the office. I believe God is leading them on to brave the storm and rise above the ashes of shame and despair.
The Lord prays for us as we reflect: “Have mercy on me, God, in your goodness; in your abundant compassion blot out my offense.” (Psalm 51:3). The New American Bible
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who know when they have been betrayed and lose trust in their beloved. In our emptiness and rage, save us from our desire for pity and revenge. Pour your healing salve that helps us to forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.