Do you have any obsessions? Over the years, I have had this obsessive habit of trying to capture on film a honey bee gathering pollen. This can be a dangerous obsession if one annoys the bee with your camera lens and the little bugger decides to take a bite out of your hide. Throughout the years, I have indulged in my habit and today’s photo was another feeble attempt to capture this unique moment. I will confess I simply have no idea why this subject fascinates me.
Its obvious to me that Jesus also had his obsessions. His habit had very little to do with drinking or gambling. Then again, his obsession was a gamble. I believe Jesus was “obsessed” with the “little ones.” His toxic habit of hanging with the poor folks labeled as outsiders, foreigners, women, the unforgiven. Jesus was so smitten that he would go out of his way to meet these folks to the horror of the elite. Worse, his habit was called blasphemy and today most likely be perceived as heresy.
On this feastday of St. Matthew, we find another addicted disciple coping poorly with his obsession. The tax collector who exploits the poor to line the pockets of the elite. Some namesake I got stuck with.
Lucky for me Jesus had another nasty habit. The knack to take whatever is thrown his way–the addicted personality–like the greed of a disciple to carry out the law. Jesus transformed Matt’s selfish habit into an opportunity to bring new life to hopeless souls. Matthew becomes the apostle of the Gentiles. A fresh voice that gently accepts and affirms anyone who believe they are doomed, forsaken, or “not good enough.”
I like to think that my “second-chance” namesake was given a “crisis experience” better understood as an opportunity to redeem himself when the Spirit of wisdom provided the “good news” is that all are equal in the mind and heart of God. Yes, we still struggle with this truth, but we need to believe like the bee who perseveres that there’s sweetness inside that flower.
Pray and reflect: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male or female; for you are all one in Christ, Jesus.” Galatians 3:28.
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends that we put away all our toxic obsessions like prejudice, discrimination, intolerance and bullying. May the Spirit of wisdom and understanding give us tolerance, openness and a genuine desire to accept all God’s children at his table into our faith communities. For all “second chance” disciples, may our greed for special favors be transfigured into a humility that believes that God truly loves the ordinary people which is why he made so many of us.