Sunday, April 26, 2020

Blaming God or Finding God

Not surprisingly, recently there have been articles speculating that this viral pandemic we’re experiencing is God’s wrath, His anger, His punishment for – and fill in the blank – everything from not being the devout and faithful people we should be to not being good stewards of the Earth.

God does not unleash plagues as punishments on people.

As Christians though, we’re not to dwell on that. Instead we’re to redirect our thoughts on what Jesus reminds us: “The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so, it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”(John 3:7).

When each of us takes steps to confront evil in a charitable but just way… when we find ways to offer forgiveness and begin the hard work of reconciliation…. when we look for opportunities to be selfless and loving and reaching out to help someone in need – that is the gentle breeze of the Spirit working in and through each and every one of us who claims to have been “born from above.”

So for those looking for where is God in the midst of this crisis – look at the health care workers putting their care for the sick above their own well-being; look at the people who are creatively finding ways to reach out and to connect with people feeling isolated, alone and depressed; look at our volunteers helping the residents at Charlotte House-- look at the littlest of gestures – the kindness and genuine care offered by a neighbor to attend to someone else’s needs. It’s far too easy to blame God for the evil we’re experiencing and missing the reality of His grace, His blessing, His very spirit being at work through countless and oftentimes unknown, invisible folks.   Kind of as invisible as, say the wind – that is blowing and driving about bringing healing, compassion and new life in the midst of this storm.

Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who are connecting through Facebook, Skyp or cell phone to make sure their neighbors are safe and sound with plenty of toilet paper, face masks, medications and food on their tables. As our church sign says outside the front door of our church “Put a Smile on Your Mask It Will Brighten Your Day.”