An “ERR” message appeared on top of the camera but
I had no idea what to do next. I spun the dials, reset the default, said a
desperate prayer, but the body only kept repeating the infamous “ERR”
message. Sadly, I told the chief that
I was running home to check the manual and promised to return in time when his
monster tractor was on the track. Back home, the instruction manual read: “When
the “ERR’ appears take to your local dealer.” This was not good and I never did
get back to the track to take photos of his tractor.
Now my camera mentors suggested that it was time
to trade up to “another” new camera. Hold on people, I only had this D7000 model
for 16 months. I whined and stomped my feet because I don’t like change. “But
it would be good for me,” my mentor said. You could trade up to the D600
professional model. WOW! Now, I would be a pro. Broke and buying more equipment
subject to random breakdowns. So, I consulted my options and found a used D600
and bite the bullet. Now I’m a real pro! However, another 200-page manual to
review that will be my summer reading.
Now reflect with me for a minute. How many times
are we forced to make changes we did not expect? When change happens we complain
and pray, “let me be, Lord. I’m already comfortable where I work, live and
worship. I don’t want to start over again.”
But there’s this little voice that nudges us in
another direction. It’s the voice of God calling us to challenge the values of
this world when they do not reflect his love. God invites us many times to take
on new adventures that will potentially make us resilient and more in-tune with
His spirit.
So what changes are you facing at this moment? A
new camera model? Simple, just read the manual and quit complaining. Maybe your
changes are more substantial. A new baby in your home, again? Another job change
again? Going back to school again? A new health disease that demands our
attention again. Worshipping in a new faith community, again.
God enjoys shaking up his creation so that we
don’t get stale or bored. It’s His way to wake us up and pay attention beacuse
a great shoot is coming our way. I will get that monster tractor photo next
year or maybe at the next event.
God watches over us as we prayer: From morning to
evening conditions change; all things move swiftly before the Lord.” (Sirach
18: 26).
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who are
going through changes at this stage in their lives. Be it our health, job,
career or relationship give us the wisdom to find our purpose and put ourselves
into your loving hands.