On behalf of the Newman staff and myself, I want to thank each and every parishioner at Newman for your wonderful spirit of love that shows Chirst's love for all students. They promised to be back tonight and tomorrow!!! Fr. Matt
This mom gave her son the riot act telling him that he could have caused an accident or worse hurt someone for life due to lack of experience. In addition, if the police caught him it would have cost the family thousands of dollars for legal fees and fines.
Mom knew her son was not perfect but she believed in him despite his foolish pranks that later took another turn for the worse. One day her son was caught with his buddy targeting their air guns at an official post office truck. The furious postman rang the front door that his truck was being vandalized by their prank and he was ready to call 911. Once again, this mom had to muster all her restraint for not killing these boys. Rather, she pointed out the harm they could have caused by injuring the postman in the truck. She kept their foolishness a secret, for their dad would never had let it go. Mom put her son on some serious restrictions to let him know that his behavior was not acceptable to say the least-this was not his best.
How many times did your mom catch you--not at your best? You pretended that it was only a joke-no harm done-but you were really not thinking about the consequences at the time. You tested your mother’s patience. However, instead of degrading you, she would follow the example of Jesus and let you know that you were capable of being a much more thoughtful, kind and responsible young person.
On our journey of life as we were growing up, there were many ups and downs, in which we tested our mother’s patience. Yet, she believed and saw the good inside of us even though our emotions stretched her to her limits.
Our moms had many expectations for our own lives. However, as we progressed or regressed, many of those expectations that she originally had for us remain unfulfilled. Our lives have moved in directions that we would never have guessed, almost as if they were being guided by something that is beyond us. We can respond to this unexpected direction in either of two ways: the way that the disciples did, with disillusionment because our expectations have not been met, or with contentment, because we know that there is a greater force at work, the spirit of a mother who knows the best version that we can be if we only trust in her.
So how do we achieve this contentment, this feeling of safety in the midst of all the adversity which life throws at us? We can achieve this contentment by realizing that Christ has stayed with us, just as our mother stayed by our side when we did our foolish pranks.
When we feel overwhelmed by life, when we feel that we just can't go on, when we feel all alone, we need to realize that we are not alone, that Christ and our moms are still with us.
But there is more. In the depths of our despair, we need to reach back into our faith that came to us from our mothers and see that she has provided us with a wonderful gift of faith that continues to help us get through some pretty tough times.
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends mothers who believed in us through thick and thin. Bless these faithful women who gave us new life and a faith to help us in our daily journey. With a bouquet of flowers to place by their side or near their grave, may our prayer of gratitude rise to heaven for their many sacrifices, tender love and forgiving hearts. Blessed Mothers’ Day to all our Sonshine mommies
Father Matt Kawiak's online journal
Father Matt Kawiak's online journal