On this particular morning, she played the CD with Andy Griffith singing that old gospel hymn “Softly and Tenderly.” She received a call informing her that she qualified for a low income grant that would pay for a new furnace and hot water tank. Doesn’t seem like much, but just prior to that phone call she was ready to sign a contract with a heating company to install a new heating system. The words of her mom came back at that exact moment: “You’ll be fine.”
This Sunday, we prayed for over 600 family and friends that you submitted online. Let me ask you this morning to look at what you have left in your life; never look at what you have lost. At a time of sorrow you feel overwhelmed and swamped by the pain and grief that you are not even conscious of the joys that still are alive deep under that blanket of grief. Determine to uncover your smothered joys and let them breathe and flourish again! There are many things that you are still thankful for, even though you do not feel your gratitude. Begin by reminiscing. Relive your happy memories. Treat yourself to replays of that great collection of joyful experiences that have occurred in your past. There are many wonderful things that have happened to you in life.
When sorrow drowns you, pray softly: “The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures. Near restful waters he leads me, to revive my drooping spirit.” Psalm 23.
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who find it hard to hear the voices of their loved one. Help us to count our gardens by the flowers, never by the leaves that fall. Help us to count our life with smiles, not tears. Help us to count our age by friends, not by years. Help us to listen softly and tenderly to Your voice that brings us home to a place where our sorrows and pain dissolve and our hope and courage is reborn with healing waters and Your promise of eternal life.