To transform ourselves from what we are to what we choose takes more than kissing a frog. In my ministry of healing and teaching, my main goal is to help people transform their lives. From fractured memories to peace filled souls is a tall order. However, I don’t believe it is a fantasy to be able to transform our lives and our world into a peaceful, joyful spaces. Any change on a personal level is challenging because so much energy is spent on things that don’t really matter very much. We make a big deal out of what cell phone or cable provider to buy than we do addressing what it is about ourselves that matters most.
Some things people desire to change include weight, work, relationships and financial situations. But how much time do we spend each week with our creative spirit giving energy to these important aspects of our lives? I believe we sabotage transformations that would create more joy and peace in our lives. We scan the net, spend money on QBC, watch mindless reality shows, drink, talk on the cell while driving, text message to strangers or simply stay extremely busy doing everything that has nothing to do with our dreams. What’s sad is that if we stay busy long enough we don’t have time to dream anymore. The only place our dreams linger is deep down inside us. When they peek out we just set them aside for "someday."
If you want to be healthier it is important to be aware of what would make us so. Our nutrition habits, our lack of spiritual exercise, our work and relationships are indicators of how healthy we are. When any of these areas is not contributing to our well being, I suggest a "Sabbatical " to reflect and choose differently. We might call this our "mental health break."
No one but the individual can change their own life. We think others control our destiny because of the choices we have made in the past. Every day we have the opportunity to choose differently, Trust in God means to surrender your busyness and live your dream so that your "someday" becomes now.
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends that the miracle of Your love for each of us will not go unnoticed. Let us stop worrying about what we don’t have and focus on being grateful for all the wonderful people You have brought into our life. May your mental health plans be filled with "someday" dreams that bring your heart and soul God’s rest and peace.