The stories of Easter are about a God who is active in the "everyday-ness of our lives. As mom holds her newborn, as a dad gently cuddles his baby boy. You see, I believe Jesus still walks with us, not as a figure from the past but in the present. Jesus is with us, at our side.
Let me tell you about Justin who has trouble falling asleep at night. Its was not about final exams or a chronic disease, but a genuine concern about what happens to a person when we die. He suffers panic attacks in the middle of the night worrying about what comes next. I told him the story about Thomas who had his share of panic and doubts after the death of Jesus. Thomas did not take his faith for granted nor did he want to appear stupid. He grieved the death of his best friend, and to imagine that Jesus appeared when he just happened to be out shopping was nonsense or a cruel joke. However, you know the rest of the story.
Now imagine Jesus like the Good Shepard, who is restless and disheartened when even one of His lambs are missing or in doubt. I told Justin to imagine himself as a lamb that had wandered far away from this Shepherd for many years. Now close your eyes gently and see Jesus coaxing you to His side. "Come over here...come over here Justin." Imagine yourself nestled against Jesus as He carries you back to a safe enclosure.
Jesus is with us, at our side when we’re sad and troubled, for the Stranger is there. When we’re in an arid place, the Gardner is there. When we’re hungry for love and trust, the Cook is there. When we’re fearful and doubtful, hiding behind closed doors or wide awake late at night, the Surprise Guest is there. When we’ve strayed and sinned, the Shepherd is there. When we feel locked out of life and love, the Gatekeeper is there to let us in to both. When we feel betrayed, rejected and hurt, the Healer is at our side. Like sheep in a flock, we gravitate to the One whose voice we recognize because we know that everyday he comes to us for one reason only: to open the gate so that we might have life and have it more abundantly.
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who are worried and afraid. Now imagine yourself resting under the tree nestled next to the daffodils and praying Psalm 2:9: "As soon as I lie down, I fall peacefully asleep, for you alone O Lord, bring security to my dwelling."