This mother taught the importance of releasing ourselves from the many "things" that clutter our lives. Her "Yes" is an invitation to ask ourselves how much I really need. How many jackets, sport shirts, dresses, shoes? How much jewelry? How much sporting equipment? How much electronic equipment? How much of so many things we have in our lives? This is not "should I get rid of what I don't need?" This is different, more faith-filled and takes us into giving up "good" stuff. We do this because we sense that we are not free in some areas that are tremendously important for us, important for our salvation, and growing in freedom before the things of our lives can be a great grace. This freedom, too, will place us in greater solidarity with those who find such great happiness and joy in trusting in God, while having so much less than we imagine we could survive on.
Pray and reflect on the words of the Blessed Mother: " I am the maid servant of the Lord. Let it be done to me as you say." As parent or spouse, brother or sister, colleague or friend we are called upon daily to say YES when we prefer to say NO. Our YES comes in many ordinary ways: picking up a sick child from school, driving a friend to the emergency room, delivering a meal to someone with a broken wrist, helping a neighbor with a leaking faucet, writing a "letter of reference" for someone who feels neglected or cleaning out the closets and taking the extra clothes to the community clothing center.
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who prefer not to be bothered with your messengers who ask us to stop what we are doing and say Yes to your invitation to serve. Give us the grace and spirit to live by these words: "Here I am , Lord; I come to do your will."