A second lenten practice is to keep judgments from spilling out of your mouth. Maybe you can pick one day to be especially mindful to keep your judgments to yourself. Friday is a good choice in honor of Jesus’ crucifixion. This was also the day when he granted paradise to the good thief, someone we would have deemed unworthy of God’s attention. And so for each Friday of Lent, make no judgments about people, about their motives, their goodness or badness, their social standing, their defects, the way they talk, their clothing, their color, their jobs, their mistakes. Just see everyone as God’s children.
Third, try to control the verbal negatives that so readily comes from our mouths. I’m thinking about the subtle put-downs, the jabs that hurt, the insults, the criticism, the sarcasm, the harmful gossip, the rumors that smear. Again, if too much of a challenge to do every day of Lent, you may want to choose Wednesday as your no-negative-words day, as tradition holds that this was the day Judas let the words which betrayed Jesus fall from his mouth.
A fourth practice is to let the word "no" fall more often from your mouth. After all your "nos" define you every bit as your "yeses." Jesus is our guide. When he cured the man possessed of a demon and the man wanted to follow him, he said no. "Go home to your friends, and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and what mercy he has shown you." You will give glory to God if you bloom where you’re planted. When Pilate questioned Jesus, he shook his head no and refused to answer, for he knew Pilate wasn’t really after the truth. He said no to pain-dulling hyssop offered to him on the cross. Jesus said no to turning stones into bread for he did not come to serve himself. So be like Jesus for Lent. Say no to the Apprentice nonsense on your cable. No to radio talk show hosts who make fun of people. Say no to drugs to keep you up all night to complete your school projects–try peppermint tea instead! Say no to drinking till you blackout. Say no to drugs that lie telling you there’s no harm. Say no to cheating. Say no to lies. Say no to marketing which wants you to buy more than you need. But say yes to the truth. Say yes to words that encourage and heal. Say yes to grandma’s words of wisdom. Say yes to small acts of kindness, charitable deeds and sharing. Say yes to prayer time. Say yes to get your studies and projects completed. Say yes to your family’s need for your presence and time. Say yes to Jesus.
Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends that this Lent nourishes our souls to grow strong in your love and wisdom. May our Lenten workout keep us fit for the mission ahead to make your Kingdom bloom here on earth as it is in heaven.