Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Wedding Photographer


I humbly told him that I am not a professional. My usual spot for weddings is behind the altar where I’m pointing out to the wedding photographer when to get ready for a “Kodak moment” during the ceremony. Roberto, our groom, said that I would work fine and that the service would begin about 7.

I arrived at 6:30 and to my surprise the fire hall was empty. The minister and his wife arrived ten minutes to seven, but there were no guests or wedding party in sight. Roberto said there would be a slight delay since many of his friends work at the others barns and they had to go home and change.

It was now eight o’clock and I strolled outside to scout for the bride who I found standing next to a pick up truck in her bridal gown. At about 8:15, a crisis occurred. The bride slipped and her ring fell on the ground under the truck with millions of tiny pebbles. “Oh my God,” she scream, “I lost my ring.”

Now while the wedding guests are inside the hall wondering when will the ceremony begin, we have her godfather in his tuxedo on his knees searching for the ring. Then the bride’s maid of honor comes running out the door to join in the search. Yes, I’m looking right behind them when the Holy Spirit came to the rescue when the maid of honor found the ring amidst the stones. It was a miracle. Mind you, it is now 8:30 and the wedding guests are inside the fire hall wondering when will the bride make her entrance.

As the wedding service finally began, the bride’s son was running around the hall playing with a pink balloon. I gently pushed the balloon behind me so that I could focus on the couple, but he got mad and ran to his mommy who was standing in front of the minister. At that very moment, the bride and groom were exchanging their vows. This little boy wrapped his hands around the hands of his mom and new step-dad. It was the shot of a lifetime. It was a sacred moment when this family was united as one in their vows of marriage.

Today’s feast of the Blessed Trinity can be rather vague and mysterious, but this sacred moment at the wedding gives us a glimpse about the meaning of the Trinity. Imagine: the bride is the mother (Creator of life), the groom is the Son (Savior who redeemed us by his love) and the child who holds his mom and his step-dad hands is the Spirit that unites them together.

Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who are waiting for a sign that God is present in their life. In our sorrows and our joys, may we know that God is as near as the touch of a child who holds his parents in the palms of his hands.