Friday, January 31, 2014

What Did You Come To Teach Me?


A woodworking friend shared this true story that he went to visit a “master woodworker” to see this man’s work and gets some tips. He walked into the store and was amazed at the beauty of this master’s creations. He introduced himself and asked him for some wooding pointers. The man’s response appeared to be rather rude: “What did you come to teach me?”

My friend was caught off guard and felt embarrassed since he was nowhere near the skill level of this artist. He grew silent, walked around the store for a few more minutes and was ready to walk out the door when the master called back: “Where are you going?”

My embarrassed friend was perplexed and he said that he had come to learn a few pointers to take home to his shop. This master politely told my friend that he meant no disrespect from his comment: “What did you come to teach me?” Rather, he reassured my friend that in any meeting with a person his philosophy was that if we listen carefully to one another there is always something we can learn from each other. There might be one point of view or phrase that we hang to that will make a difference in our life if we only listen carefully to one another.

It seems that this man was not purposely insulting his visitor but wanted to assure him that we are all have something very important inside of us to share from our unique experiences. So next time you are confronted by a person who appears to be lost or afraid or not quite with it. Instead of rolling our eyes or ignoring their comments give them a chance to share who they are and their life experience and they might teach you something new.

I am learning from my woodworking friend that you can take a round bowl that has dried for six months into a oblong, distorted shape and mold it back into a beautiful round bowl. You have to be careful as you spin the wheel at 1020 rpms. But it is possible to turn that wobbly mess and craft it into a thing of beauty.

So if you think your life is out of shape and you have dried up into a cold, crusty person that no longer fits the mold of Christ. Maybe it's time to come back to the Jesus and listen to his words so that He can give you direction and make a difference in your life.

God invites us to listen to his words and what do you hear? “Give ear, O my people, to my teaching: incline your ears to the words of my mouth.” (Psalm 78:1).

Lord, I pray for all my Sonshine Friends who feel out of sorts or no longer worthy to come back to church. Let this be an invitation to return to church where you feel welcomed and accepted and learn that Jesus wants you to know that you are His child made in His image to bring glory to his world. What’s your glory and how will you bring it to others today?